
Lolita (1962)

Quick Facts


Title: Lolita

Plot: A middle-aged college professor becomes infatuated with a 14-year-old girl.

Genres: Crime, Drama, Romance

IMDb Rating: 7.5

User Reviews Count: 1

Director: Stanley Kubrick

Cast: Stanley Kubrick, Vladimir Nabokov, Stanley Kubrick, James B. Harris, James Mason, Shelley Winters, Sue Lyon, Stanley Kubrick, Vladimir Nabokov, Stanley Kubrick, James B. Harris, James Mason, Shelley Winters, Sue Lyon, Stanley Kubrick, Vladimir Nabokov, Stanley Kubrick, James B. Harris, Peter Sellers, Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Kubrick, Charlotte Haze, Humbert Humbert, Bob Harris, Gil Grau

Release Date: June 21, 1962 (West Germany)

Languages: English, French, Spanish, German

Box Office Collection


Lolita: Directed by Stanley Kubrick. With James Mason, Shelley Winters, Sue Lyon, Gary Cockrell. A middle-aged college professor becomes infatuated with a 14-year-old girl.

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