An ancient Egyptian mummy found 3,000 years ago with a screaming face, scientists believe may have died from violent screaming.
After analyzing the remains using new technology, archaeologists now believe that the woman died crying and that her muscles stiffened quickly after her death, giving her this condition. Saved forever.
However, they said that the cause of the woman’s death, which could be violence, remains a mystery.
Sahar Saleem, a professor of radiology at Cairo University’s Qasr al-Aini Hospital in Egypt, described the screaming woman as a ‘true time capsule’ that preserves the last moments of life.
They discovered that the woman was 5 feet tall and around 48 years old at the time of her death while suffering from mild joint pain.
But the researchers did not discover any signs of surgery during the embalming process and all the organs are still inside the body.
Professor Sahar Saleem said
‘This discovery surprised me because, in this era, all the organs except the heart were removed for embalming the corpses’.
He said that expensive imported ingredients were probably used to embalm the woman.
Expert analysis found traces of juniper and henna in the woman’s hair, while several minerals were also discovered on her wig.
He said that
The results not only indicate the process of embalming, the preparation of the wig, and the use of various minerals but also that her open mouth is a result of the carelessness of embalming experts who forgot to close the mouth. went.
He added that the expression on the woman’s face was a result of a painful death or a frozen face during death due to emotional stress and suffering.
He said that the perpetrators failed to keep their mouths shut due to which the impression of terror persists. However, those experts could not determine the final cause of death.